Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam.

732/21 Second Street, Manchester,
King Street, Kingston United Kingdom


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New Season Coffees Update: China, Myanmar & Shipping Costs

Over the past week, weā€™ve been cupping type samples of the new season lots from China (all fantastic, it has to be said) and weā€™re confident that our shipment will arrive in the UK late summer ā€“ August / September. If youā€™re interested in pre-ordering, please do get in touch asap.

We remain in close contact with our partners in Myanmar and continue to be 100% committed to supporting them and hope to take delivery of their new season lots later in the year too. But we have to inject a note of caution due to the ongoing terrible political and humanitarian crises taking place there and, with the best will in the world, weā€™re expecting delays and ā€“ quite possibly ā€“ the prospect of no Myanmar coffees this year. This would be a disastrous outcome for the marginalised communities we work with in Myanmar and weā€™re determined to make every effort to ensure that theyā€™re able to export so we can continue to financially support farmers in Shan State, Mogok and Mandalay Division.

Weā€™re also working hard to secure orders with our partners from other countries in the region as well ā€“ watch this space.

For a variety of reasons (most significantly, container shortages and the recent Suez Canal blockage) the cost of shipping from Asia to Europe has increased significantly compared to last year. There will inevitably be a knock-on effect in the final landed prices per kg, but weā€™re hoping that the relative strength of the British pound will off-set some of the rise and keep these price increases to a minimum.